
  san antonio 16-21
  fort worth 24
  austin 26 27 28


  houston 1
  new orleans 2

annette krebs

guitar, mixing board, tapes, objects, computer, de-/composition (berlin)

Annette Krebs studied music and concert guitar in Frankfurt/Main, and has lived in Berlin since 1993. She has worked intensively in the crossover area between improvisation and composition, exploring the possibilities of the prepared guitar with regard to sound, structure, noise, the mixing of materials, and space. Various preparation methods are used to produce noises and sounds, which are then enlarged through the use of sometimes high levels of amplification. The sound of the amplification and mixingboards, additional tapes, radios and objects are used as musical material. She works also in the field of electroacoustic composition, de- and reconstructing selected sound- and noisematerial. Fragments of noises, of words and sentences are used to remind, to suggest on certain meanings, fusing with the sounds to a surreal, abstract soundscape.

Collaborations with:
Chris Abrahams, Alessandro Bosetti, Burkhard Beins, Sandra Becker, Lucio Capece, Rhodri Davies, Jim Denley, Axel Dorner, Robin Hayward, Sven-Ake Johansson, Christoph Kurzmann, Sachiko M, Kaffe Matthews, Toshimaru Nakamura, Andrea Neumann, Bhob Rainey, Michael Renkel, Ana Maria Rodriguez, Keith Rowe, Ignatz Schick, Burkhard Stangl, Taku Sugimoto, Luca Venitucci, Marc Wastell, Otomo Yoshihide, ...