Heloise Gold

Heloise Gold ( US )

  • movement
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Heloise Gold lives in Austin, Texas. She is a performing artist, choreographer, dancer, comedian, T’ai Chi/Qi Gong instructor and co-founder of Art From the Streets, a project for artists who are homeless. She was inducted into The Austin Arts Hall of Fame in 2015; and is known as one of the city's premiere dance pioneers, endlessly creating work since the 1980’s.

Gold highlights experimentation and collaboration in her works and infuses her deep sense of humanity, humor and vision into everything she creates. Her performance career traverses numerous paths beginning with childhood appearances with the Bolshoi Ballet (mid 1960’s) to performing in Robert Wilson’s legendary12-hour Opera The Life And Times Of Joseph Stalin (1973); to participating in many experimental happenings in NYC in the 1970’s.

Heloise moved to Austin in 1978 and has created a steady body of work ever since. Her arrival to Austin began with dancing and touring with the Deborah Hay Dance Company (1980-1986). Additionally she began creating her own works; being a key player in the experimental work developed in the 1980’s-2000’s. A generative artistic relationship in the early ‘90’s with New Music Pioneer Pauline Oliveros took Gold around the world performing and co-leading Deep Listening® Retreats (1991 to the present).

She continues to work locally and internationally and collaborates with many of Austin’s current performance visionaries. In 2018 she performed/collaborated in Steve Parker’s ‘Grackle Call’ for the Fusebox Festival; premiered her piece ‘Bird Bath & Beyond’ (2019); and will be collaborating with Line Upon Line and New Music Coop in 2020. She has been recognized multiple times by the Austin Critics Table Awards; receives continual support from the City of Austin Cultural Contracts and has received funding from the NEA and TCA.

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