Aquiles Hadjis

Aquiles Hadjis ( VE / JP )

  • DIY instruments
  • feedback
  • video
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Aquiles Hadjis (b.1981, Maracaibo) is based in Tokyo since 2009, where he works as a filmmaker and teacher. Hadjis' practice combines strategies from visual arts and improvisation to drive his performances, installations, music, and instrument building. Linking the idea of prototypes to sketching, he thinks of both as thought that has solidified only slightly—enough to do things it cannot do inside the mind, but still malleable enough to exist as a frame for conversations that beckon the unknown. Many of his works give voice to malfunctioning and unpredictable systems whose conversations he arranges and moderates.

He has performed and shown his work in the US, Japan, Germany, Austria, Venezuela, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong, among other places.

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